Today is the DAY

Welcome to West Texas Combatives.  We would love to see you join our family.  As we continue to work towards your goals, please complete this form to claim your FREE trial.  This trial is for 1 FREE classes at our facility.  These classes can be claimed on your time.  Once the classes are completed, we will talk to you about becoming a full member and officially beginning your journey to self-reliance for self-protection. 


Having been a full-time law enforcement officer since 2008, I cannot tell you how important it is to have the ability, strength, and self-confidence to defend yourself when tragedy strikes.  As most law enforcement officers will tell you, 911 is on the way, but that takes time.  Time is something that runs out extremely quickly in a self-defense situation, and the most important part is having the ability to defend yourself while help is on the way.  


So, please claim this FREE trial now, and start building a foundation to help you help yourself or your family with the time comes.  The last thing we ever want is to think what we could have done or think to ourselves the "what ifs" on if we had started sooner.  Today is the day to start, because tomorrow will never come.